Wednesday, November 30, 2016

NY Fed: Household Debt Increased Slightly in Q3 2016, Mortgage Delinquency Rates Declined

The Q3 report was released today:  Household Debt and Credit Report . From the NY Fed: Total Household Debt Remains Sluggish Yet Non-Housing Debt Continues Expanding The Federal Reserve Bank of New York today issued its Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit , which reported that total household debt increased modestly by $63 billion (a 0.5% increase) to $12.35 trillion during the third quarter of 2016. There were increases across every type of non-housing debt, with a 2.9% increase in auto loan balances, a 2.5% increase in credit card balances, and a 1.6% percent increase in......(read more)
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